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King Abdullah ready to embrace the Deen of Jews and Christians

On 24/3/08 King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia speaking at a seminar on ‘Culture and the Respect of Religions’ said, “The idea is to ask representatives of all monotheistic religions to sit together with their brothers in faith and sincerity to all religions as we all believe in the same God…” The remarks were enthusiastically received by the World Council of Churches and the Bush administration. Presidential spokeswoman Dana Perino said,” … it can only give us hope that there would be further recognition of everyone's right to freedom and freedom of expression and religion. So we are encouraged by it.” Has not the King heard the all too often derogatory remarks made by the Pope and other western leaders about Islam? Is he not aware of the words of Allah regarding Jews and Christians? Allah says: “the Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their own Deen” [TMQ 2:120]

Sarkozy wants to upgrade France’s ties with Britain

On 27/3/2008 the English newspaper ‘The Independent’ reported: Nicolas Sarkozy, has recast himself in the mould of statesman, laying down an ambitious vision of "a new Franco-British brotherhood for the 21st century" in which the two countries could unite to influence the world. Calling for an "entente amicale" to replace the 104-year-old entente cordiale alliance, he urged Britain to take its place at the heart of Europe. Sarkozy. Addressing a joint session of both Houses of Parliament, Sarkozy said, “By uniting our strengths and determination we can contribute to the emergence of a new globalization – freer, fairer, more responsible, more just. Together we are necessarily stronger than standing side by side, let alone standing against one another…” Indeed, over the past few years, Britain and France have been cooperating with each other to frustrate America’s plans from transpiring in Chad, Sudan , Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan . The two countries are also compet

Dollar’s decline: A crisis or an opportunity?

Despite the US Federal Reserves intervention last week to shore up the US dollar, the currency is showing little sign of recovery. Many analysts now predict that the US economy at the very least will stay in recession for sometime, while others forecast a substantial collapse in the value of the dollar prompting a global depression. Whatever the outcome, the precarious position of the dollar presents an opportunity for Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries that possess enormous dollar reserves and trade in petro-dollars. If these countries were to withdraw dollar assets from US banks, and also start selling crude oil in a currency other than the US dollar, then the American economy would very quickly collapse. Just this move alone would force the US to spend its the huge military budget on starving Americans at home and substantially reduce its military commitments abroad. Had these rulers possessed iota courage they would have undertaken such a step long ago to rescue Muslims in Palesti